samedi 18 juillet 2009

Flying Longboard Festival...

...rien que pour la beauté de l'affiche !
Et puis si vous passez par Playa de Guerra le 24 juillet, ce serait dommage de manquer ça.
Profitez-en pour aller jeter un coup d'oeil au shop (là)

Toutes les infos sur le blog du festival, sinon pour ceux qui ne pratiquent pas la langue de Cervantes ou de Julio Iglesias, en anglais :

"(Dear Friends, Customers, Funky surfcrafts lovers, Surfers, Surfer's admirors, hello !
As many of you already know, the Flying Longboard Festival will take place at Gerra beach next saturday, July 25th.
Registration has been opened for a couple of weeks now, but there are still some places left if you would like to compete. You only need to get in contact with the organisation on this webpage: longboardersclubcantabria.blogspot.com and follow instructions. You have only a few days left to confirm !
It will be another great opportunity for us to have you around and spend some time together.
We will all enjoy the day at the beach, hop
ing for waves under the sun, and we will gather afterwards at the Shop for a very casual medals ceremony, some drinks and dinner on the street, and also the screening of several Surf movies throughout the night. And maybe more.
You are all invited, should you participate to the festival or not, should you compete or not, should you surf or not.
We are impatiently looking forward to see you again next week !)"

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