6 jours consécutifs sans houle, rien de prévu pour la semaine à venir...
Ne restez pas les bras croisés, la Pétole n'est plus une fatalité.
longboard, oc1, OC2, V6, OC6, outrigger, skate, bowl, gribouillis, pirogue, surfergirl, surfmobile
Mise à l’eau PLAGE DU PORT VIEUX de Biarritz.
Clôture des inscriptions à 15h.
Places limitées, préinscriptions vivement recommandées.
Brief sur la course à 15h30.
Facilité de parking pour le dépôt des pirogues....ah, Hawaii !
D'autres beautés exotiques et aquatique sur son album Flickr
...bientôt des embouteillages de pirogues sur nos plages ??
Superbe photo "aérienne" prise depuis un kite (voir ce post )
Skate the Snake from rudy JACQUES on Vimeo.
Music : Adam Smale - "Something she said"
Un beau snake, pas un snake de playmobile comme certains.
Beau blog aussi...des photos, une mise en page originale, à voir donc.
Et puisque vous irez certainement sur Avthentique, descendez juste aux premiers articles pour rêver devant la vidéo "Île était une fois (oléron)"
well thank you very, very much for the experiences that I have already had on the mats. They are blowing both mine and my friend's minds with the amounts of fun they create. I have accumulated enough feelings to be able to slightly intellectually understand what's going on with the mats. Yet can only really say that it feels as though I will be perpetually and infinitely learning how to ride them... I have been out in four foot point surf and one to two foot beach surf and they seem to excel in both... the one with rocker is my favorite until I jump on the flat one and after a couple of waves the flat one is my favorite...
I am riding them with a fair amount of air pressure and this seems to be good for me... cause when they are flatter they are a little too sensitive for a brute like me to man handle them and still maintain speed... Mike Stewart rode them with me and had a blast!! Ozzie Wright who is Australia's best air surfer rode them with me and was blown out... Margo another of Oz's top surfers loved them too... the list goes on... and the infectious nature of the mat is definitely spreading throughout the circle around me... so thanks mate.
...I hope to keep on expanding my sensory ability with the mats and thank you very very much for creating such a great experience for me... I really feel like my quiver of ocean craft is virtually perfect now that I have your mats in it... and am going into the surf on any day and feeling the joy of a little grom that is learning something from the very beginning...
yours in joy, Dave Rastovich
(extrait d'un article de 9 pages sur All about surf)
"Mat surfing takes a bit of time to master, even if you’re a talented surfer with years of experience. You can manipulate the air pressure as you ride, and that, combined with your swim fins, gives you a lot of control."
Si vous êtes interessé, contactez Paul sur Fourth Gear Flyer et allez vous promener sur le blog Surfmatters.
A la demande, je peux envoyer le très instructif guide d'utilisateur illustré en format Word !